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The Quinnehtukqut

April 2019

Chapter Chair Update

Chapter Chair Update

What has Sierra Club Connecticut been focusing on and what are we looking forward to this month? Get the update from Ann Gadwah about our campaigns and get excited for Earth Day (every day)! Get involved and help us create a greener future in our state!

Legislative Committee Update

Legislative Committee Update

Our Legislative Committee is getting a lot done! Along with Climate Action Lobby Day, Sierra Club Connecticut has been busy supporting bills that address environmental issues ranging from methane gas leaks to solar net metering to plastic pollution. Learn about these Senate and House Bills and what work still needs to be done.

Riding 2,000 KMs for the Future

Riding 2,000 KMs for the Future

Get the latest news about our local bike enthusiast (and Chapter Vice Chair, Secretary, and Communications Chair) Dennis, as he plans to ride from Connecticut to Florida to fight climate change. He will raise funds for our chapter for another year in a row. Get inspired to take action for our planet!

National Sierra Club Elections

National Sierra Club Elections

The annual election for the Club's Board of Directors is now underway, and election day is April 24th. Those eligible to vote in the national Sierra Club election will receive a notification with information on the candidates and where you can find additional information on the club’s website. Your participation is critical for a strong Sierra Club!

Gratitude for our Earth, Wind and Sun

Gratitude for our Earth, Wind and Sun

Helen Applebaum, lead Advancement volunteer for Sierra Club Connecticut, recently traveled to Italy and sent these thoughts and photos about supporting our work.

A Quest to Save the Planet

A Quest to Save the Planet

In our quest to save the planet, we often look at how we change our individual practices or government policies. But we can also take a look at the businesses, schools and other groups we are a part of and strive to create more sustainable practices there as well. Hear from a heroic resident assistant at a local Connecticut college as he strives to bring a change to his campus and inspire more recycling.

Save the Date for Connecticut Trails Day

Save the Date for Connecticut Trails Day

Save the Date! This year Connecticut Trails Day weekend, part of National Trails Day, happens June 1st and 2nd. Sierra Club Connecticut will be leading one hike out of several hundred free hikes, walks and other outings planned statewide. Our hike will be at 1:00 pm, Sunday, June 2, in Connecticut’s newest state park!

Join or Renew Your Membership

Join or Renew Your Membership

If you enjoy reading The Quinnehtukqut, our monthly newsletter, and learning about important updates from Sierra Club Connecticut, we hope you will join as a member or renew your membership. Join or renew HERE! Membership in the Sierra Club supports the advocacy, education and outreach efforts of the Connecticut Chapter.

Moral Leadership to Stop Puppy Mills

Moral Leadership to Stop Puppy Mills

As nature lovers, it makes sense that we also have a soft spot for and care about the welfare of our companion animals. For dogs specifically, one injustice that needs addressing is the puppy mill. Learn more about where our state and country stands on this issue.

Western CT Clean Air Action

Western CT Clean Air Action

Last Spring several conservation organizations and individuals in Connecticut’s rural Northwest corner became aware of Cricket Valley Energy Center, a massive natural-gas electrical generation facility just across the Connecticut/New York state line. Gathering volunteers and concerned citizens from the seven towns closest to the site, the Western Connecticut Clean Air Action task force was formed. Read about what they are doing to protect our state’s air quality!

Painless Pruning

Painless Pruning

Spring is here, and plant and nature lovers are chomping at the bit to get back in the garden! Do you know how to prune the shrubs and bushes growing in your yard? One of our favorite, local master gardeners gives us her words of wisdom on this gardening practice and encourages us to make pruning painless.

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