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The Quinnehtukqut

Winter 2020

Chapter Chair Update

Chapter Chair Update

It’s our first newsletter in the new year of 2020! As our Chapter Chair reminds us, there are actions we can take to make a positive impact in our chaotic world. Let us join together, rise to the occasion, and make the changes we need to make for a brighter future.

Legislative Update Winter 2020

Legislative Update Winter 2020

What is on the horizon for Sierra Club Connecticut on the legislative front in 2020? Find out what issues we are focusing on to get our state on track towards a cleaner, environmentally-friendly future. We need your help to make change possible!

Transit Equity Day

Transit Equity Day

On February 4, the anniversary of Rosa Parks’ birthday, Transit Equity Day will take place around the United States to continue her legacy of transit equity and justice. This is both a civil rights and an environmental issue. Learn more about how this issue affects us in Connecticut.

Garden Gleanings from 2019

Garden Gleanings from 2019

Every year in the garden is an opportunity to discover new things about the natural world around us. Maybe you will notice which flowers are attracting the most pollinators, encounter a new plant species, or find a method to encourage a healthier veggie garden. Learn some tips gathered by an experienced Master Gardener this year.

Winter Photographs 2019

Winter Photographs 2019

What art and beauty have you found in Nature this winter? See some of the detailed beauty in Trout Brook Valley captured in these photographs by Larry Thompson.

While the Kids are Striking

While the Kids are Striking

You have probably heard about the school youth striking movement to demand that action be taken to fight climate change. Yet even their schools are adding to carbon emissions, specifically from energy use of buildings. What can be done to make our schools switch to energy efficiency and renewable energy?

Simple Winter Tips to Help Animals

Simple Winter Tips to Help Animals

Despite some unseasonably warm days this January, winter in Connecticut is often a time of bitter cold. As you sit inside, warm and cozy, you might be wondering about the animals outside. Here are some simple tips to help both companion animals and wildlife this time of year.

Gypsy Moth Scout

Gypsy Moth Scout

Inspired by recent discussion on gypsy moth infestations, one of our members was reminded of a song he wrote, originally published in the newsletter of the Greater Hartford Folk Music Society. It was inspired by his close friend and neighbor, a Gypsy Moth Scout, working for the forerunner of DEEP in the 1930’s.

Introducing SC CT's Wildlife Committee

Introducing SC CT's Wildlife Committee

We are excited to announce our chapter’s new Wildlife Committee! Find out what this committee is all about. How can we make our state a safer place for wildlife? How can we support wildlife beyond our state?

New Strategic Plan in Place

New Strategic Plan in Place

Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions? We have made some of our own! The Connecticut Chapter of the Sierra Club is starting off the decade with a strong set of goals set forth in a new strategic plan.

Hiking the NET Part 7

Hiking the NET Part 7

Have you been following our series on the New England Trail in Connecticut? Hear from Nora on her seventh leg of the trail, adventuring from Middletown to Durham. Discover a hike with some breath-taking views, and be inspired to get out on the trail!

February 2020 Events

February 2020 Events

Check out upcoming Sierra Club events on the Events page!

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