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The Quinnehtukqut

October 2023

A Note from Our Chapter Chair

A Note from Our Chapter Chair

Get some updates and reflections from our chair about our chapter, our state, and beyond. Find out more about climate lawsuits and legal actions around the world that have succeeded in strengthening the right to a clean and protected environment. Let’s keep up this work locally!

Campaign Highlights

Campaign Highlights

Take a look at all the highlights from Sierra Club Connecticut’s current campaigns and what we’ve been working on this last month. As always, thank you to all of our volunteers — we couldn’t do this without you!

Do You Have a Right to Clean and Healthy Air, Water, Soil, & Environment?

Do You Have a Right to Clean and Healthy Air, Water, Soil, & Environment?

Of course, you have a moral right to these necessities for survival. But no, you do not have any environmental rights in the Connecticut state constitution or the U.S. constitution. Your right to a clean environment is not protected on the same level as other rights. We need your help to change that.

September Photo Journal

September Photo Journal

See what we’ve been up to this last month, from outings to rallies, in Connecticut and beyond! Please send in your own photos of Sierra Club events and campaigns you’re involved in!

Hope & Fluffed Feathers - Bridgeport's Fight Against Environmental Injustice

Hope & Fluffed Feathers - Bridgeport's Fight Against Environmental Injustice

Hear about the successes so far in bringing community together in the fight to save Remington Woods, a mature urban forest in the heart of Bridgeport. Learn about the importance of this forest and how you can stay involved with the campaign.

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