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The Quinnehtukqut

October 2022

A Note from Our Chapter Chair

A Note from Our Chapter Chair

Catch up with our chapter chair and see what Sierra Club Connecticut has coming up for you this month. Be sure to come join us for some of our autumn outings and enjoy the fall weather before the colder months are upon us!

Protecting Remington Woods for People and the Planet is the Right Choice for Corteva

Protecting Remington Woods for People and the Planet is the Right Choice for Corteva

You may have already heard us advocating to save Remington Woods, the 422-acre forest nestled between the City of Bridgeport and the Town of Stratford. Get an update on the property owned by Corteva, and help us put pressure on them to conserve the land!

Connecticut's Role in Protecting the Arctic

Connecticut's Role in Protecting the Arctic

The Gwich’in Nation is on the front lines protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Learn more about what they are protecting and how Sierra Club Connecticut is helping them. And we need your support! Find out how you can join us in putting pressure on Hartford – the insurance capital of the world.

Climate Ride Recap

Climate Ride Recap

Our Chapter Communications Chair, Dennis Desmarais, planned a 1,000-mile bike ride to raise money for our Chapter. His solo unsupported ride took place at the start of September, beginning with a beautiful stretch of weather, and then finishing during the drought-busting, record rains. Take a read through his adventure.

Clean Up the State Owned Power Plant

Clean Up the State Owned Power Plant

One of the oldest polluting fossil fuel power plants in our state is a familiar site to anyone who’s been around Hartford. Did you know that it is now owned by the state of Connecticut? Help us encourage Gov. Lamont to protect lives and build on his climate legacy by replacing it with 100% clean energy.

Campaign Highlights

Campaign Highlights

Take a look at the highlights from Sierra Club Connecticut’s current campaigns and what we’ve been working on this last month. As always, thank you to all of our volunteers—we couldn’t do this without you!

Book Review

Book Review

All We Can Save is an anthology of writings by 60 brilliant women at the forefront of the climate movement, all with different views and expertise in each of their respective areas. The book presents the need for leadership that is characteristically feminist. If you’ve missed this first book in our book club, check out this review.

Help Wanted!

Help Wanted!

We are growing our team of volunteer leaders and now have several Chapter Chair positions open for the following committees – Conservation, Political, Outings, and Membership. If you are an active Sierra Club member and are looking to make a big difference in the success of the Connecticut chapter, please email and let us know your future leadership position interests.

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