Two Spring Poems
Vince Jennetta

Songs of Spring
Friday, May 8, 2020
Woods are filled
With the songs of Spring
Every tree
You can hear them sing
Trills and cries
To the waking morn
Boasting claims
Lusty warning scorns
Honking barks
Of the pairing geese
Larks fair notes
Put my soul at peace
Downy raps
Echoing out far
Joyous tunes
That ring familiar
Piercing screech
From the circling hawk
Red-winged black
With their liquid talk
Spry catbird
With his raspy mew
Mourning dove
And her gentle coo
Crows keen caw
Chickadee dee dee
Swift swifts swoosh
Oh lovely phoebe
Ceaseless chat
Sweet angelic song
Sit and listen
I could all day long
May Be Folly
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Polar vortex
Roarous wind
Swaying branches
Forest din
Panicked ducklings
Barking geese
Streaking ripples
Shattered peace
Darting martins
Racing clouds
Sun gone silent
Nature loud
Stunted bud tip
Piercing cold
May be folly
Harm untold
Raucous rumble
Swirling sprite
Shiver waiting
Warming light
Vince Jennetta is a Sierra Club member.
Photo: Daffodil and snow
Photo credit: Flickr - Janet Ramsden