Turtle Crossing
Vince Jennetta
Below is a follow up to two poems of mine that were published in last summer's edition of The Quinnehtukqut. Those poems were my reaction to seeing the egg-laden carcass of a large old snapping turtle that had been run over on a road near my home.
Shortly after, I contacted my town officials to see if they would be willing to install wildlife crossing signs on the road. It is a lightly traveled section that is adjacent to a pond and stream. On my daily walks I have seen numerous turtle remains. This is especially prevalent in the spring when turtles are seeking a roadside spot to deposit their eggs. In addition, almost daily I see other animal remains, including toads, frogs, snakes, salamanders, newts and small rodents. Wildlife is abundant in this area due its proximity to the wetlands.
The wonderful folks in town were quick to respond. "Slow Wildlife Crossing" signs were erected last fall on both sides of the road some distance before the pond. I am hopeful that the signs will reduce the number of animals killed on this lovely section of road. Drivers just might slow their vehicles and be more aware of the wildlife in the area.
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
See the sign
Creatures like to pass this way, so
Take your time
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
In the Spring
Roads pose dire challenges for
Living things
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Please go slow
Turtles are not fast or fleet, now
Don’t you know?
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Rainy day
Showers give them reasons to be
On their way
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Watch the road
Sad to walk past squished up snakes and
Newts and toads
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Nesting time
Find a place to lay their eggs is
On their mind
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Big and small
If you slow and really look you’ll
See them all
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Give them space
Slow and steady, life is really
Not a race
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Pass it on
Young and old and in between, a
Caring bond
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Why not now?
Finding peace in nature, she will
Show you how
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Do you care?
Be the one who loves all things, yes
If you dare
Turtle Crossing
Turtle Crossing
Heed the sign
Simple way to help each day and
Let it shine
What better gift to give yourself:
Peace of mind
Vince Jennetta is a Sierra Club member.