Connecticut Politics 2018What does the Sierra Club look for to endorse a candidate?
Both the National and the Connecticut Chapter of the Sierra Club are looking for strong environmental champions to represent the interests of the environmental community at the national, state and local levels. Those whom we endorse care about social justice and pledge to protect the most vulnerable communities who are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate disruption and pollution. |  Save Pachaug ForestPachaug State Forest is the largest state forest in Connecticut and is part of the National Heritage Corridor. An ill-conceived plan is in the works to build a gun range and facility in Griswold that threatens the peacefulness and nature of this unspoiled track of land. |  Gubernatorial Environmental ForumCT Chapter Sierra Club, along with other Connecticut environmental organizations, held a Gubernatorial Climate Change Forum, hosted by Trinity College in Hartford. Candidates Ned Lamont (D), Joe Ganim (D), Oz Griebel (I) and Ron Hanscomb (L) discussed their opinions and action plans for increasing renewable energy sources, sea level rise, electric vehicles and energy efficiency. |
 Our Day in CourtThe date for legal case oral arguments against the state for stealing ratepayers energy efficiency and clean energy funds has been confirmed by the judge.
The court date is Thursday, September 13 at the U.S. District Court, 141 Church Street in New Haven at 9am. |  Cricket Valley Power Plant Update"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
There has been a gradual turning of the tide in favor of those opposing the construction of Cricket Valley Energy Center (CVEC), in Dover Plains, New York. The plant, which the EPA classifies as a major source of air pollutants, is a mere five miles from Kent and is upwind of the Connecticut towns of Sherman, New Milford, New Fairfield, Brookfield, |  Climate RideThe immense feeling of accomplishment lingered with him for days after completing his Independent Challenge on the 2018 Climate Ride from Detroit to Cape Cod. Challenges and temporary setbacks aside, he reached his destination in five days, raising over $8,000 for the CT Chapter Sierra Club! Learn how you can participate in or support a climate ride in the future. |
 National Drive EV WeekElectric Vehicle (EV) car shows, co-sponsored by the Sierra Club, showcase new EV technology and offer visitors opportunities to see the latest technology and talk to current EV owners. They also give you new information about emerging technology including the increased driving range and the lower lifetime costs. |  Return of the Bone WarsResearchers are fighting to save the scientific, cultural and ecological finds still undiscovered in our National Monuments and stay their destruction from the Trump administration’s assault on our national heritage. Unexcavated fossils are at risk in this 200-million-year geological and biological saga. |  Book ReviewIn Light of the Stars, Adam Frank uses underreported and under appreciated discoveries of exo-planets (confirmed planets in solar systems other than our own) set against the paradigm setting Fermi’s Paradox and its resulting SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to construct a rough and detached-but fresh and objective viewpoint-on our predicament here on Earth. In short, he invites us to view ourselves ‘from without.’ |