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Chapter Chair Update

June 2019

Ann Gadwah

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Spring weather is finally here, and we at Sierra Club Connecticut can hear the outdoors calling.


We have some great events scheduled for the spring and early summer and hope you will be able to join us for exploring and enjoying the outdoors here in the great state of Connecticut. Our Hartford group will be having their annual BBQ, Hike and Kayaking trip on June 8th in Windsor. It is always a good time to enjoy the outdoors and chat with fellow environmental advocates. We also have a very unique fundraiser coming up on June 29th in Barkhamsted. You will be treated to a tour of the host’s eco-friendly, efficient house and a hike to explore the kritter kams on their property, where they take amazing shots of fox, deer, bears, and coyotes! You can find out more and stay up to date on all Sierra Club Connecticut activities at our Events & Outings.


Our May 18th concert fundraiser, “Celebrating Possibilities” was a rousing success. Good music, good company and an amazing atmosphere made for a very special night in West Hartford. I would like to extend the chapter’s and my gratitude to all the musicians who donated their time and talent to Sierra Club Connecticut. And a very special thank you to Deborah Roe, whose tireless dedication to our chapter made this night possible. Thanks, Deb!

The legislative session has wrapped up and we had some wins and some losses. Thank you to our Chapter Director Samantha Dynowski and Legislative Committee members who worked long and hard on supporting good bills and opposing bad ones. Thank you to all our members who took the time to call legislators and voice your opinion on these important issues. You rock!


There are many opportunities to get involved this summer in protecting our environment here in Connecticut. We have been expanding our ideas around what an outing is, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions, please let us know! We are looking for fun, motivated individuals to lead outings for the Chapter. If you are interested in becoming an outings leader, contact the chapter!


There are opportunities to get involved in your local community with our Ready for 100 campaign. If you want your community to commit to clean and renewable energy, reach out and we can help you get a campaign up and running in your city or town. Connecticut can be a champion for renewable energy, and our grassroots, local campaigns are what is going to get us there!


Finally, I again want to express my gratitude for our Executive Committee, Chapter leaders, volunteers, and members for their passion and commitment to Sierra Club Connecticut. Your dedication is going to help us solve the climate crisis and protect all life here in Connecticut and on Planet Earth. Thank you!


Ann Gadwah is Chapter Chair, Sierra Club Connecticut.

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