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Happy New Year from Sierra Club Connecticut

Helen Applebaum

Support from members like you, who believe in our mission to protect the planet and change lives and habits, is what makes our work possible. Your financial aid is used to develop and present training programs for legislative volunteers; organize marches and protests because a crowd makes a big statement; enable letter writing campaigns to reach people who have power; fund critical studies related to fracked gas expansion; investigate leaking and sneaking pollution attempts; train hiking and kayaking leaders so we can enjoy our great outdoors; keep you and our members informed through our newsletter, the Quinnehtukqut, our website and social media platforms; write and distribute informational flyers and letters to the editor to impact the press; arrange speaking engagements at universities and on radio and television to engage with every person who lives in Connecticut; and reach out regularly to you through house parties, film screenings, telephone calls and emails.


We will achieve more in 2019 because we built ourselves up over the last year hiring staff, recruiting new leaders, engaging researchers, starting new campaigns, strengthening existing campaigns and forming new alliances. Your generosity provides the fuel we need to confront the environmental and legislative challenges of today. Here’s a few of our accomplishments from 2018.



With the hiring of a Director, and a new volunteer lead, we are calling our fundraising team the Advancement Committee, and have already held a very successful fundraising house-party, with many more planned for 2019.


Beyond Gas:

During 2018, this committee opposed, with mixed results, gas rate hikes, new gas pipelines, new compressor stations, new gas power plants, new gas customers for Eversource and UI converted at ratepayer expense and new gas heated public schools. We advocated for a statewide fracking waste ban, pushed back on the high amount of gas leaks permitted by the state regulators, educated candidates about the Connecticut fracked gas expansion (a failed plan which is still extant) and promoted research and polling which proves voters and the majority of the public don’t want subsidized fossil fuel expansion.



Young volunteers experienced in electronic media have joined our team and worked hard to make our monthly newsletter more interactive and available on your modern devices. We’ve expanded our social media presence and find that more than 1,000 people like or comment on our Facebook page on a single post. Join the conversation with Sierra Club Connecticut on Facebook



The Conservation Committee is chaired by long time volunteer Marci Wilkins and coordinates the work of our various conservations campaigns. They launched a new committee this fall, Land and Water.  This new team, chaired by Allison Joslyn, will lead the campaigns to Save Remington Woods, protect Pachaug Forest and monitor the safety of our watersheds. We opposed the plan by the Malloy administration to build a state police gun range in the heart of Connecticut’s largest public forest, Pachaug State Forest in New London County. This new committee demonstrates our commitment to make an impact in the preservation of our state land, and protect our water from contamination.



The Legislative Committee developed and presented a lobby training for volunteer legislative activists in December, to prepare for the 2019 session. They have prepared a list of our legislative priorities which we will advocate for at numerous legislative events in 2019, including lobby days and at hearings.



The Political Committee had a busy and successful summer and fall, with fully two thirds of Sierra Club endorsed candidates winning their seats, at all levels, local, statewide and federal. They will now join together with the Legislative Committee to advocate for our legislative priorities in the 2019 session.


Support from members like you, who believe in our mission, is what makes all our work possible. You have our gratitude. To everyone who joined Sierra Club Connecticut during our end of year drive, Welcome. We’re happy to have you in Sierra Club Connecticut and appreciate that each member takes us closer to reaching our membership goals—every Connecticut resident.


So here's to 2019! May it bring us meaningful action on climate change and a safe environment for our families and communities so we can continue to “Explore, Enjoy and Protect the Planet.”




It’s never too late to change lives, save lives and impact lives. Enable us to react quickly and factually when problems arise.


Donate to Sierra Club Connecticut by visiting our website, and clicking on the red Donate button at the top of the home page. Then follow the donate securely online link. While there, consider helping us year-round by becoming a monthly donor.


Helen Applebaum is Lead Advancement Volunteer for Sierra Club Connecticut.

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