A Note from Our Chapter ChairHow can we identify and quantify dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and stop them at their sources? How can we hold polluters to their pledges to reduce methane leakages? Learn more about new technology that can help us clean up our air. And catch up on what our chapter has planned this month. |  Update on Electric Vehicles in ConnecticutIf you haven’t already, it may be time to consider switching to an electric vehicle (EV). Purchasing an EV is getting easier, with more options and availability, lower prices, and more incentives. And EV travel is getting easier, with more range and more charging stations and options. |  The Fairview Avenue Green Accord of 2024What can you do when noisy, polluting, gas-powered landscaping equipment are taking over your neighborhood? How can we get landscaping companies to transition to zero-emissions equipment? This community took initiative directly with the landscaping company! There are also bills being passed to help with this transition. |
 Making a Difference for Wildlife in ConnecticutYou may know that our wildlife committee works hard to influence eco-friendly legislation at the state level, but did you know that our efforts reach other organizations and local governments as well? Learn more about one example in our work to help protect the bobolink |  Mad About Inflation? Do Something About Climate ChangeWe all know that consumers have been struggling and frustrated by recent price increases in food, insurance, housing, and electricity among other monthly costs. As we come to understand that one of the largest drivers of inflation is climate change we have to ask what is being done about it? |  Impacts of the Brookfield Compression Station ExpansionThe proposed expansion of the compressor station in Brookfield threatens the health and safety of residents, including a nearby middle school. A recent report prepared for Sierra Club Connecticut lays out the dangers of the compressor station. The community continues to rally against the project. |