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The Quinnehtukqut

September 2020

Chapter Chair Update

Chapter Chair Update

Our chapter chair reflects on John Muir, who founded the Sierra Club 128 years ago and inspired many in his love for the natural world. However, there is an odious side to Muir and our club’s history that must be acknowledged as we step into the future.

Environmental Justice Webinar Series

Environmental Justice Webinar Series

Sierra Club Connecticut is committed to doing the necessary work to eradicate racism within ourselves, our organization, and within the systems in which we live. A key step we can take is to learn and listen. Join us in learning from Connecticut Environmental Justice leaders through a webinar series sponsored by the Governor’s Council on Climate Change.

Untitled Poem

Untitled Poem

Environmental and racial justice go hand in hand. Read this poem, inspired by John Lewis' lifelong efforts and how the current illusion and imposition of silence by a white majority is more violent than any street protest.

National Drive Electric Week in Connecticut

National Drive Electric Week in Connecticut

It’s that time of year again—National Drive Electric Week is just around the corner! Electric Vehicles (EVs) are becoming more available and having a greater impact, worldwide, nationally, and in our state. Find out more about what’s going on with EVs in Connecticut!

Opossums: A Gentle and Beneficial Wild Neighbor

Opossums: A Gentle and Beneficial Wild Neighbor

Despite their appearance and a sometimes bad reputation, opossums are amazing creatures - and beneficial to us! Besides being a natural pest control, find out more interesting facts about the opossum, along with how we can more peacefully coexist with these neighbors.

Join Sierra Club National Get Out The Vote Campaign

Join Sierra Club National Get Out The Vote Campaign

We are in a historic state of emergency. The best defense is to ensure that pro-environment candidates win by landslides so large they can’t be denied. This year, just voting isn’t enough. Environmentalists should join Sierra Club Independent Action’s national GOTV program.

Truth and Consequences of Our Food Choices

Truth and Consequences of Our Food Choices

Following up on last month's article on the issues of pollinators and some staple food items, we realize we may need to make a change. Each small choice we make can add up to make a difference. What decisions can we make in our food purchasing (and beyond) to help create a healthier environment?

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