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The Quinnehtukqut

Summer 2020

Chapter Chair Update

Chapter Chair Update

Sierra Club, on the state and national level, recognizes the work that needs to be done to combat racial injustice. Hear some reflections on how racial injustice and environmental injustice are entwined and affecting our state, and the steps we are taking to confront it.

Actions to Stop Racial Injustice and Fracked Gas

Actions to Stop Racial Injustice and Fracked Gas

Sierra Club Connecticut continues to take action against fossil fuels and the connected racial injustice in our state. During the current global pandemic, actions have moved towards caravans and virtual rallies, but we are still fighting to stop the Killingly Energy Center fracked gas plant!

CT's Window of Opportunity for Waste Management

CT's Window of Opportunity for Waste Management

How does our state deal with all the trash we produce? There are some major issues with our current process, but also a big opportunity for change. What are some options for moving Connecticut towards zero-waste, a cleaner environment, and healthier communities?

Envisioning a Greener Bridgeport

Envisioning a Greener Bridgeport

What will be the future of Remington Woods? With white supremacy being called out in all walks of life, including in the environmental movement, it is important to ask ourselves— how can we be allies to BIPOC communities? We can start by listening. Then we can follow their lead. Find out what the Bridgeport community envisions for the future of the Woods.

First District in Connecticut to Commit to 100% Clean Energy

First District in Connecticut to Commit to 100% Clean Energy

Find out how one parent made a difference in her community. She sparked the discussion and helped lead the way, resulting in the resolution of the Region 18 school district in Connecticut to transition to 100% clean energy by 2030. Learn how you can do the same!

Health Benefits of Clean Energy

Health Benefits of Clean Energy

Besides saving our planet and our own health and well-being, there is a strong economic reason for transitioning to renewable energy sources. From information published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, learn about the health and economic benefits of moving to a clean energy future.

Racism is Killing the Planet

Racism is Killing the Planet

This article from Sierra Club National, explains how racial and environmental injustice go hand in hand. Hop Hopkins discusses the origins and pervasiveness of white supremacy that still exists today. The concept that “We will never survive the climate crisis without ending white supremacy,” is one we ask you to sit with and learn more about.

Nominating Committee Seeks Nominations

Nominating Committee Seeks Nominations

Sierra Club Connecticut is preparing for its annual election in the Autumn, when our statewide membership will vote to elect volunteers to serve on the Chapter Executive Committee. Learn more about the process, and let us know if you would like to be a candidate!

The Pollinators Film

The Pollinators Film

Get a review on this award-winning documentary from one of our favorite gardeners. Start to delve into the issues with our food system and how bees are a part of that—and how it’s affecting our environment. Is the system sustainable and are there other choices?

The Connecticut Beaver Initiative

The Connecticut Beaver Initiative

The beaver is a keystone species that plays a crucial role in biodiversity, and their activities have many benefits for the environment. Unfortunately, there often seems to be a conflict of interest between the beaver and landowners or municipalities. But there is hope for a more peaceful coexistence!

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

The Moving Forward Act would be a step in the right direction towards a more peaceful coexistence between humans and animals. Get more details on the provisions in the bill, an update on where it stands, and how our Connecticut U.S. Representatives supported it.

Scantic River Partnership Seeks Volunteer Water Monitors

Scantic River Partnership Seeks Volunteer Water Monitors

The Scantic River in Connecticut is currently listed as an impaired waterway by DEEP. As part of the Scanter River Watershed Monitoring Partnership, we are looking for volunteers to train to help us to gather more information and expand our project. Join us in the remediation of this river!

Support Our Chapter

Support Our Chapter

Did you know you can donate your vehicle and support the charitable programs of Sierra Club Connecticut? We make it easy for you to donate your vehicle. Whether it's running or not, your car, truck, boat, RV, or motorcycle will support Sierra Club Connecticut, sponsored by the Sierra Club Foundation.

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