Outings Program Revamped
Ann Gadwah

Greetings! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Hopefully we are getting out of the rainy season of the last month into some sunshine and fresh air. When looking for something to do outside this month, please check out Sierra Club Connecticut’s Events and Outings page!
Our Chapter Outings program has been on hiatus for the past couple years due to the pandemic and other factors. In that time, our national organization worked to revamp Sierra Club’s Outings training, updating the program to make outings more inclusive and accessible for all people. We held a training based on the new guidance for outings leaders and I am glad to announce that we have a dozen new (and familiar) outings leaders ready to hit the trail!
Photo: Trail in Bluff Point State Park, Groton, CT
Photo Credit: AndyS Flickr
We are looking forward to connecting with members and supporters through outings. Please keep an eye out for outings in your area on our website. If interested in becoming an Outings Leader, there will be another training held in the first and second weeks of September– Register for Outings Leader Training Part 1.
Sierra Club Outings have historically connected people with the land and with conservation efforts. Our vision is for a just, equitable, and sustainable future where all people benefit from a healthy, thriving planet and a direct connection to nature. We hope you will join us.
Ann Gadwah is the Sierra Club Connecticut Outreach Coordinator.