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Black Lives Matter

Samantha Dynowski & Ann Gadwah

It is with pain that we acknowledge the deaths of far too many black men and women at the hands of the systemic racism that plagues our society. Sierra Club Connecticut stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and with the protests calling for racial justice happening all over the state and the country. The systemic racism and culture of white supremacy that we must fight did not happen overnight and it will not change overnight either. We need to commit ourselves to real change, and to be the change we want to see.


Although these obstacles we face may seem insurmountable, we are inspired by the commitment to justice we have witnessed in the last weeks. The activists of the Black community are leading the charge for racial justice, standing up and saying enough is enough. People are demanding an end to white supremacy, change to our justice system and fair treatment for all people. All of you give us hope and show us a vision of the world that is possible when we care for and protect each other and demand justice for everyone.  


Climate change is inextricably linked to racism. We can’t solve one without solving the other. Throughout history, Black and brown communities have disproportionately felt the burden of the fossil fuel industry and of climate change. Here in Connecticut, communities of color and our urban areas face far more environmental injustice than white suburban communities. These communities are affected more by power plant pollution, transportation emissions, and waste treatment facilities. This combined with historical “redlining” has kept resources and money from communities that have needed it the most. All of this stems from the racist ideology that makes certain communities disposable and values some lives over others. Racism is a driving force behind the climate crisis. And it must stop. 


We here at Sierra Club Connecticut are committed to doing the work to eradicate racism within ourselves, our organization, and within the system. Join us as we commit to being the change we want to see. 




The following are some local and national anti-racism resources. 

National Organizations:



Connecticut Based Organizations:


Local Actions:



Minnesota Based Organizations:


Sierra Club Resources: 


Books to Read:


Articles to Read:


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