A Note from our Chapter Chair
Susan Eastwood
February 2025
Dear friends of the environment,
I hope you are safe, warm, and well in this winter’s chill. The news these days is dark. As I write, the fires burn in L.A., an apocalyptic scene that is beyond comprehension.
I’ve been asked what I do to fight the sorrow and despair in our country’s refusal to address the challenges of the climate crisis. For me, one who deeply values time alone to write and ponder, I find comfort and new energy in working with others to try to make a difference. The community of Sierra Club active members and leaders has been an inspiration to me, and I encourage any of you to get more involved.
But I am proud to say that the Sierra Club has also been extremely effective. We have made significant progress in protecting our environment in many areas of the U.S. This type of advocacy can take years of contacting the powers that be and demanding action, but it often does pay off. National Sierra Club celebrates some accomplishments that Sierra Club Chapters have worked steadily. Seeing this progress gives me great hope.
Image: Sierra Club activist signs from What's the Sierra Club Been Up To Lately?
February is Black History Month. I hope you’ll read Alycia Jenkins’ article in this issue, “Black History Month at Sierra Club Connecticut”, and tune in to her webinar, Ida B Wells-Barnett Racial Justice Webinar on February 26. Register here.
Sierra Club Connecticut has recently started a new Environmental and Racial Justice Committee, which will meet on February 14. Register here. This volunteer committee is tasked with bringing awareness, opportunities, and accountability to diversity, anti-racism, and environmental justice in our work. All are welcome!
Tenant Protections for Racial Justice, a virtual webinar on February 13 will be an opportunity to learn about the connection between tenant protections and climate and legislation in Connecticut to expand Just Cause eviction protections. Register here.
The Connecticut General Assembly has just kicked off its legislative session for 2025. If you are already taking the click and send actions that we send out on specific issues, like supporting clean energy incentives or protecting wildlife, you can be even more impactful by sending a personal email directly to your legislators or to Governor Lamont. There will be public hearings on many proposed bills. Writing testimony or testifying in person (or online) is a powerful way to make a difference. If you would like to learn more about legislative advocacy, be sure to read Julianna Larue’s article “Fall in Love with Environmental Action” in this issue. And come to our Testimony Writing and Training Workshop on February 10. Register here.
Check out the dates for upcoming presentations and other events here.
Our Sierra Club Connecticut community continues to grow! I want to announce and celebrate the newly elected members of our Chapter and Group Executive Committees.
Sierra Club Connecticut Chapter Executive Committee (ExCom), elected for a 2 year term, 2025-26
Tanya Bourgoin
Sydney Collins
Kate Donnelly
Brian Martin
Ryann McCabe
Shoreline Group Executive Committee members
Jeff Gross
Richard Melchreit
Susan Petit
Greater Hartford Group Executive Committee members
Lisa Eldridge
Richard Eldridge
Chris Feely
Steve Olshewski
Get to know our new members here.
Also recently elected to the Chapter ExCom (to fill a vacancy) is Henry Foushee.
Congratulations to our new ExCom members! I look forward to a productive year ahead with your leadership!
And, I want to thank our out-going Chapter ExCom members, Shawn Gregory, Art Helmus, Roxanne (Lapierre) O’Sullivan, and John Pilgrim. And also, many thanks to Susan Petit for serving as Shoreline Group representative to the Chapter ExCom for several years. She will stay involved on the Shoreline Group ExCom. Thank you to all of you, your leadership and contributions are deeply appreciated. I hope to continue to work with you in other ways!
Last, but certainly not least, Eric Whittall is the new Shoreline Group representative to the Chapter ExCom. Welcome Eric!
I’d also like to thank the members of our Nominations and Elections Committees, outgoing Committee Chair Angel Serrano and Dennis Desmarais, who worked together with State Director Samantha Dynowski and myself to bring a wonderful new group of volunteer leaders onto the ExComs. Every year we seek qualified and dedicated new leaders to join us. Think about it and let us know if you’d like to be considered.
If you think you aren’t experienced enough, listen to longtime volunteer Dennis Desmarais: “When I was asked to join the ExCom I was somewhat hesitant to join. I was committed to the chapter mission and vision, but wasn't sure if my experience would lend itself to a board position. Martha, the Nominations Committee Chair at the time, pushed/nudged/encouraged and convinced me that the board needed people from diverse backgrounds. At the time nobody on the board had management experience, and as it turned out I was able use that experience to help bring new perspectives to the board. And personally, I learned so much! I went on to serve three terms on the Ex Com and continue to be involved by serving on the Communications team and the Nominations Committee.”
In community,
Susan Eastwood is Chapter Chair of Sierra Club Connecticut.