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2021 Chapter Executive Committee Nominees

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Arthur Helmus

Arthur is a lawyer and currently develops commercial, industrial and community solar power projects across the Northeast. Prior to that, he served as a 2nd Vice President in the insurance industry and as corporate counsel where he led teams responsible for remediating hundreds of pollution sites throughout the United States. Art has served as a member of the CT Chapter Sierra Club Legislative Committee for the past two years and currently serves as Chair. As a renewable energy professional and legislative activist, Art has lobbied the Connecticut Legislature, submitted expert testimony on behalf of the Chapter, and has given presentations to industry groups on the need to improve the collaborative relationship between industry and environmentalists. He seeks to apply his skills earned through his MBA and Masters Degree in Sustainability and Environmental Management to enhance the effectiveness of the Sierra Club's initiatives. Art's knowledge and background will contribute significantly to the Chapter's brain trust.


Roxanne Lapierre

I joined the Connecticut Sierra Club Communications Committee in 2017. Since then, I primarily work on communications for the Chapter, including the website, social media and the newsletter, and have also been involved in database development. I support the work of the Chapter Director by helping with social media and other tasks. I feel working on the website provides the best opportunity for my skills and talents to benefit the Chapter. I'm a millennial, a digital native, and am deeply committed to the Sierra Club mission. I'm very eager to return to the ExCom this coming year and to continue my role of CCL Delegate! When not working for the Sierra Club, I work full time as a Registered Nurse. In my free time I enjoy the outdoors by biking and hiking.


Jasmine Peele

A Stamford resident, Jasmine Peele is a Community Organizer for Environmental Justice at the Connecticut Citizen Action Group, based in Hartford, CT. She is a 2020 graduate in Urban and Community Studies B.A at the University of Connecticut. Jasmine became interested in community studies through lived experiences as a Black woman. She is a firm believer in the notion that urban spaces function better when they are intentionally designed with all people in mind. Her interests also include food sovereignty and environmental sustainability.


Adam Wood

Adam Wood recently served on Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont’s transition committee. He has worked in the past as Chief of Staff of the New York State Thruway Authority (overseeing the country’s largest public infrastructure project – construction of the new Tappan Zee “Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge”) and of the City of Bridgeport. He has also worked as Director of the State Democratic Party, State Senate spokesman and senior advisor, strategist and campaign manager for numerous statewide campaigns including Governor Ned Lamont and nationally targeted congressional candidates. 


Adam has a passion for the environment and clean, renewable energy. He has been a Sierra Club member and supporter for many years and also serves on the board of the League of Conservation Voters. He has over 20 years of experience in conducting successful media advocacy campaigns working for clients such as the Pew Charitable Trusts, TESLA and Anbaric Wind.  


He received his Bachelor of Art’s Degree from Haverford College and an MBA from the State University of New York at Albany.


John Pilgrim

Backcountry camping devotee turned environmentalist, John meshes a passion for data with the outdoors. He discovered the Sierra Club in 2020 after driving after wedge between himself and most of his friends and family over sustained discussion of environmental inadequacy. What John lacks in experience he makes up for in his fervent and detail oriented nature.


Since finding his family, John has been involved in various initiatives such as air quality research while supporting core IT tenets of the club through the Communications team. He intends to expand out into the strategic side of the club by getting involved in the CT Executive Committee. When he’s not out hugging trees, John can be found throughout Hartford country driving the speed limit on his growing collection of electric PEVs.

2021 Shoreline Group Ballot 


Marina Dixon

I have been a member of the Sierra Club and the Shoreline Group Communications Chair since 2018. I am currently a senior at Daniel Hand High School and a co-President of the school’s Ecology Club. My favorite environmental activism activity has been my summer internship in 2019 and this last summer with the Madison Conservation Commission. 


Jeff Gross

Jeff Gross has a life-long fascination with minimizing the natural resources that we consume.  Today he is advocating on practical applications of a sound energy policy, including solar and residential electrification.  In cooperation with like-minded Connecticut activists,  he is  helping to gradually bring electric cars into the mainstream consciousness.


Richard Melchreit

Richard Melchreit has been a member of the Sierra Club since 1989. His interests and priorities include the climate and ecological crisis; habitat protection; and conservation, propagation, and landscaping with native plants. He feels that the environmental community needs to continue to foster our collaborations with youth to promote social and environmental justice and fight against climate and ecological breakdown. As a public health official and physician for over 30 years working in the infectious disease section of the Connecticut Department of Public Health, he is acutely aware of the importance of environmental protection and our connection to nature to promote human health and well-being as we are inextricably entwined with the biosphere and cannot survive (or would want to survive) without it.

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Susan Petit

​I have served on the Sierra Club Shoreline Group ExCom and the Connecticut Chapter Political Committee helping to conduct interviews on candidates that are appropriate for endorsement.  This has meant a great deal to me, especially in this time of political chaos. I have just returned from a six week period in Tanzania where my focus was on wildlife conservation and cheetah research. I hope to contribute much more in this area as time goes on. 

2021 Greater Hartford Group Ballot 


Lynne Borsa

Lynne has been on the Group EXCOM for about 10 years. In her daily life Lynne educates her friends and co-workers regarding energy conservation, recycling and sustainability. She is an avid gardener specializing in perennials. Lynne is very concerned about water quality and is looking for opportunities for the Group to be able to address these issues.


Ruth Clancy

I wish to become a member of the Sierra Club Greater Hartford Excomm to work with others to find ways that will repair and protect the environment. Over 30 years of attending meetings I have learned a lot from experts about many environmental topics. This has added to my innate interest in nature, reuse and recycling and vegetable gardening and support of local food and land preservation groups. I have witnessed the destruction of species and natural pristine areas due to human activities. This is my motivation for continuing to decrease my carbon footprint and elect leaders who will enact a national tax on carbon. I look forward to being on the committee.

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Sam Lewbel

An Eagle Scout, Sam first became interested in the environment when he attended Boy Scout Camp way back in the 1960's. Growing up in the city, this experience began a lifelong love of the outdoors. Today Sam is a retired teacher, an author, a runner, a hiker, a Prius owner and a grandfather interested in protecting the natural world for his grandchildren. As a teacher Sam created several award winning environmental and curriculum projects for his students. As a writer he has published on topics related to Connecticut's history and geography.  As a relative new-comer to the Sierra Club, he is interested in helping to protect our environment in these difficult political times.


Steve Olshewski

I joined the Sierra Club in the late 1980's, and became active in the Greater Hartford Group in the early 90's, as I wanted to help protect this beautiful planet of ours. I was especially concerned about attempts to weaken and repeal our bedrock environmental laws, such as the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts; as well as attempts to open up our National Parks to industrial use,  such as oil and gas drilling. Unfortunately, threats to our environment have continued unabated as there are those who still wish to pollute, destroy and overheat our precious planet. 

I would still like to help the Sierra Club in its efforts to protect the health of our planet.

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Rich Stanley

I have been preoccupied with nature since I was a boy and continue to find solace in nature on a daily basis. A primary  obsession for forty years has been experiencing the natural wonders, parks and wild places of North America. You protect what you know and love and I cherish all of our natural world. My values as an environmentalist were forged early on. I joined the Wilderness Society in 1975, the Sierra Club in 1981 and almost two dozen other enviro. groups since then.


I have been a member of the Greater Hartford excomm since 2000 and have actively participated in a majority of our monthly group meetings. I hope to continue to do my small part with the Greater Hartford Group. There's been no better time to be involved on behalf of the environment. I am extremely concerned about the fate of our planet, as our current course is unsustainable. I am distressed with our inaction on climate change, which is inexcusable. And I am angry with an administration that is hell-bent on reversing the laws that protect our environment.  

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