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A Note From Our Chapter Chair

Susan Eastwood

November 2023


Photo: The silver lining of the first frost on a chrysanthemum.



I hope you are getting outside in this lovely Fall weather. As I write, the leaves are peaking in Eastern Connecticut, where I live. Although I don’t look forward to the cold temperatures, I do love seeing the sunrise every morning once the leaves are down. Silver linings!


As we see more and more evidence of the unfolding climate crisis, we are also seeing a variety of new technologies and creative solutions, and so many people, young and old, dedicated to implementing them. Silver linings! 


I am grateful for all of you in our Sierra Club community, and appreciate your leadership in our campaigns to protect our environment, wildlife, and public health. I hope to see more of you in person in the coming year.


As always, you can check the Events page on our website for outings and online activities. For example, today (November 4) you can get out and take action in West Hartford at their Honk for Climate Action Rally from 11 a.m. to  1 p.m. at the corner of North Main Street and Farmington Avenue.


If you’re thinking ahead to winter, and how you can make your home more energy efficient (and less expensive), join us online on November 20, 6 p.m. for How the Inflation Reduction Act can help you save money on energy costs. Our presenter is Steve Lewis, Chair of the Greater Hartford Sierra Club. He will walk us through the benefits of zero-emission technologies and his personal experiences with energy efficiency, solar panels, heat pumps, electric vehicles, and more. Steve will explain the rebates available through the Inflation Reduction Act, and his strategies for maximizing them as you reduce your energy use.  Read Steve’s article in this month’s Quinnehtukqut, “Give the People What They Want – Solar For All and 100% Clean Heat”. 


Of course, the purpose of incentivizing energy efficiency and renewables is to speed the transition away from fossil fuels and to fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Another important way to achieve these goals is to reduce emissions from the transportation sector. Sierra Club Connecticut has been working with our allies, including the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, to support Connecticut’s adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars II regulation and the Advanced Clean Truck and Heavy-Duty Low NOx Omnibus regulations.


Connecticut has some of the worst air quality in the country. This is especially true in our cities and areas of congested traffic, where asthma rates are soaring. Reducing emissions from vehicles would help to clean our air, prevent chronic health diseases like asthma, and help the state to reduce its climate pollution. This is a win-win for our planet, our communities, and our health! 


Learn more about this high priority issue and how you can take action by reading State Director Sam Dynowski’s article on “14 Member Legislative Committee will Vote on Connecticut Clean Cars and Trucks in November” in this issue.


I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to look for those silver linings!





Susan Eastwood is Chapter Chair of Sierra Club Connecticut.

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