Capitol Area System Update
Alycia Jenkins
October 2024
The Capitol Area System is one of the oldest and most polluting energy facilities in the state. It’s located on Capitol Avenue in Hartford. It was a cogeneration power plant that began operating in Hartford in the late 80's. It’s no longer providing power for the grid, but still operates to heat and cool 18 state and private buildings. In 2022, it was purchased by the state, and is in need of repair. Connecticut's Department of Administrative Services (DAS) has been looking for solutions for updates of CAS. In March of 2024, DAS published the CAS Decarbonization Study. Sierra Club Connecticut is advocating for a 100% clean and renewable solution. Check out our factsheet here.
Since the state purchase in 2022, Sierra Club Connecticut has been organizing to make this dirty energy facility transition to 100% clean and renewable.

Here’s what’ we’ve been up to:
In-person rallies: We’ve held 3 rallies with folks from the community, Hartford-based organizations and our statewide partners.
Community and statewide presentations: we’ve presented to our Sierra Club members, CEEJAC, the local NRZ, and numerous groups around Hartford and the state.
Sign-on letters: Dozens of organizations have joined us in letters to Governor Lamont, Michelle Gilman, Commissioner of the Department of Administrative Services, and Katie Dykes, Commissioner of the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Op-eds and letters to the editor: members of our Capitol Area System team have published in the Hartford Courant, CT Mirror and CTNewJunkie.
Here's how you can get involved now:
On October 10 at 5:30 pm in Hartford, Sierra Club will host a community event with presentations on the Capitol Area System, the renewable solutions, and a Q & A. You are invited to join in the conversation. RSVP for the CAS Community Meeting.
Urge the Governor to ensure a 100% clean and renewable solution. To address climate change and pollution, Connecticut cannot continue to replace fossil fuels with more fossil fuels. Governor Lamont must hear this and we need you to join with others to send this message. Send your message: Governor Lamont: Clean Up the State Owned Power Plant and Capitol Area Heating Systems
Our Capitol Area System team of Hartford residents and statewide allies meets weekly to plan rallies, community meetings, outreach and more. If you are interested in getting more involved, email me!
Alycia Jenkins is an Organizer for Sierra Club Connecticut.