Chapter Chair Update
May 2021
Susan Eastwood

Greetings! Happy Spring!
I hope you had a chance to catch some of our Earth Day events online. From learning about the circular economy to tips on buying your first electric vehicle, there were several informative and interesting Zoom events that I enjoyed. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic our outings and in-person events are prohibited until July.
But, here at Sierra Club Connecticut, EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY! My family and I have been celebrating by helping with our town’s roadside clean up as we walk along Ashford’s wooded lanes, and venture out into the Natchaug Forest to glimpse the spring wildflowers.
Check out our ongoing events, and let us know how you are enjoying nature this Spring! We welcome your comments, likes and shares on our social media pages. Find us on Facebook @CTSierraClub and on Instagram @ctiserra.
The Connecticut legislative session is fast approaching the final, fast days of passing priority bills with others left behind in the dust of the June 9th deadline. That means that it’s time for us to SPEAK UP and push bills for clean air and water, safer consumer goods, renewable energy, and voting rights to the front of the line! Legislators often say that if they hear from even a few constituents on an issue, they will pay attention and work to help pass that bill. Let your legislators know that you want them to vote for and co-sponsor our priority bills. You can find more information and Action Alerts here.
Check out our article on PFAS chemicals in this issue and learn about these ubiquitous “forever” chemicals and how our state is working to prevent further contamination of our waters and reduce exposure from consumer packaging. Right now, there are two bills on PFAS before the Connecticut General Assembly that need your help to assure they have the votes to pass!
I’m looking forward to reading our latest articles on other priority bills like Environmental Justice (H.B. 6551) and Clean Transportation (S.B. 931).
And don’t miss an update from our Beyond Coal campaign about the fight to stop the Killingly gas plant and the Middletown gas expansion, and their advocacy for the Energy Efficiency Board to take a stronger role in retrofitting lower-middle income housing to be healthier and more energy efficient.
Thank you for joining Sierra Club Connecticut in fighting for a clean and healthy Earth!
Susan Eastwood is Chapter Chair of Sierra Club Connecticut.